F O R   C H I L D R E N


T H E   E A R L Y   Y E A R S

Wattle Tree Therapy services are for children aged 0-6 years. 

"What happens during the early years is of crucial importance for every child's development. Children learn more quickly during their early years than at any other time in life, making these years the most important for learning and development, than any other stage of their life".

Every single child is wonderfully unique, and perfect just the way they are. I don't seek to change who they are, but instead support them to grow and thrive. 


S K I L L S   F O R   L I V I N G

I work with families to support their child to participate in daily living skills, for their stage of development.

For example...

And many other things! 

Occupational therapy supports your child with skills for living. 




Through everyday activities or play, we practice...



N A T U R A L   E N V I R O N M E N T S

I work with you in your child's natural environment. 

"Natural environments are settings, where children learn and develop everyday abilities and skills, including the home, community and early childhood centres... Learning skills in natural environments is more effective than practising a new skill in an isolated setting once or twice a week".


R O U T I N E S   

&   R H Y T H M S 

All families are different. And most families are busy. Wherever possible, I offer ideas for you to support your child's development, to fit in with the routines and rhythms of your unique family life.

"Interventions are more effective when they reflect everyday activities and routines such as getting dressed and mealtimes. The sequence of routines and their repeated nature provide opportunities for children to acquire and refine skills."

I look for opportunities for a family to support their own child using the resources that they already have.  

I   B E L I E V E

Infants and toddlers learn best through every day experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar contexts.


All families, with the necessary supports and resources, can enhance their child’s learning and development.


The primary role of the service provider in early intervention is to work with and support the family members and caregivers in a child’s life.

This is in line with "best practice" - what is most effective.



2016, National Guidelines for Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention, ReImagine Australia (formerly Early Childhood Intervention Australia)